All are Welcome

We're so happy you're here

Mass Times


Saturday | 5:00pm

Sunday | 8:30am, 11:00am


Monday–Friday | 8:00am

Rosary | 7:30am before 8:00am Mass

Confession Times

Saturday | 3:30pm - 4:30pm

Monday | 8:30am–Noon, 12:30–3:00pm
| 8:30–11:30am
Fridays and National Holidays
| Closed

Our Mission

"Called by God's love to live the life of Jesus in our world."
Can't make it to a service?   Watch Mass LIVE on Facebook

All Masses live streamed except for 8:30am on Sundays.   

Saturday Mass | 5:00pm Sunday | 8:30am & 11:00am Monday-Friday | 8:00am 

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Come and Bring Someone to "OPEN THE DOOR TO HOPE"

Offered by St. Mark’s & St. Leo the Great Parishes.

  • Monday, March 24 at 6:30 pm  at St. Mark's Church
  • Tuesday, March 25 at 6:30 pm St. Leo the Great
  • Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30 pm at St. Mark's Church

Presenters: Deacon Frank Pettrone, Fr. Joe Catanise and Fr. Bob Ring

2025 St. Mark's Lenten Opportunities

Click Here

2025 Lenten Flyer - ROC Northwest Catholics

Download File

Parish Lenten Book

This discussion will be offered two times each week throughout Lent; either Sunday from 9:45-10:45 or Tuesdays from 8:30-9:30.

You can come either day, and it does not have to be the same day each week. If you skip a week, that is okay. You will still be welcome anytime you show up. It is always better to do the daily readings for each week, but if you don’t, you are still welcome for the discussion. We will be meeting in the Church Library.

Discussion Schedule

Questions? Email Nancy Iafrati

Visit St. Mark's Calendar for other events


 4:30-7:00 PM

$15 Eat in or Take out


7 PM

Lenten Scripture Based Discussion

Father, Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do St. Mark’s Hall -

7 pm to 8:30 pm Mondays, March 10, 17, 31 & Apr 7

Fr. Lou Sirianni presenting


Children’s Liturgy of the Word is offered each Sunday at 11:00 AM Mass

Thursday mornings via ZOOM

Learn More


 4:30-7:00 PM

$15 Eat in or Take out

Welcome to Roc Catholics Northwest, a collaborative effort of the Catholic parishes of Greece, Hilton, and Charlotte in the Rochester NY area! 

Our family of churches includes Holy Cross, Our Mother of Sorrows, St. Charles Borromeo, St. John the Evangelist, St. Lawrence, St. Leo the Great, and St. Mark’s.

Our new website serves as a hub for essential information about each parish and its faith-centered, vibrant ministries.

We are dedicated to providing a warm welcome and useful information to both parishioners and newcomers. 

Learn More

Register with our Parish

New to the area or just visiting?

We would be thrilled to welcome you to our church community! Join us for a Mass to experience the warmth of our congregation and learn about our parish and activities. If interested, you can easily register through the link below. We look forward to getting to know you!


Parish Ministries

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:30 PM at church; meeting consists of the Rosary being prayed, and visiting with each other.  Camaraderie and fellowship are the society goals.  

Contact person: Mary Camiolo at 585-360-7396 or email:

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We gather together monthly in a spirit of friendship and love to knit and crochet shawls to be given to people who could use a spiritual "hug". We meet on the fourth Tuesday of the month in the library room, from 1:00 -3:00 pm.

The mission of the Social Ministry committee is to stimulate our parish’s awareness of human social needs and to develop effective responses to those needs.

 Our committee helps the people of our parish meet the social needs of our brethren as Christ requested, bridging the gap between those in need and those who wish to help them.  

Contact: Lynne Fuller 227-0233 or visit our webpage below

Knights of Columbus

 This Council is a multi-parish council with members from several parishes.

Men's Club

All men of the parish are invited to be a member. Come join a friendly fraternity of your fellow parishioners.

Walking with Moms

The purpose of this group was created to pray for and provide resources to accompany pregnant and parenting mothers facing difficulties. 

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