In Lent, we focus on the works of prayer, fasting and charitable giving. Reflecting on our parish Mission Statement: “St. Mark’s Roman Catholic Church… Called by God’s Love to live the life of Jesus in our world.” we have many opportunities to grow in relationship with Christ.
LENTEN FAST applies to Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and applies to all Catholics who have completed their 18th birthday until they have completed their 59th year. “Fasting means taking only one full meal and two smaller meals that, taken together, do not equal one full meal.”
LENTEN ABSTINENCE applies to Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and the Fridays of Lent. All Catholics who are 14 years of age or older are to refrain from eating meat or meat products on these days. (This does not apply to fish, eggs, or milk products.)
Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Catholic Relief Service Rice Bowls offer us an opportunity to practice almsgiving.
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hours & Benediction
Stations of the Cross:
Lenten Fish Fry
Sacrament of Reconciliation
33 Days of Eucharistic Glory Lenten Book Discussion
“Father, Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do" - Scripture based Study Discussion
Parish Lenten Retreat (St. Mark's & St. Leo the Great) – “Open the Doors to Hope”
Presenters: Deacon Frank Pettrone, Fr. Bob Ring, and Fr. Joe Catanise
Day of Penance - April 2nd
Palm Sunday Mass-April 13th
Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Thursday
Seven Church Visitation
Good Friday, April 18th
Basket Blessing
Dynamic Catholic :
54 Kuhn Road
Rochester, NY 14612-1498
Monday: 8:30am–12:00pm, 12:30–3:00pm
Tuesday–Thursday: 8:30–11:30am
Fridays and National Holidays:
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