Bereavement Ministry at St. Mark’s Church ~ Mourning with Grace
What is Bereavement Ministry at St. Mark’s Church? What is it like? Some individuals have said it is exactly what they were looking for and hoping to find.
Bereavement Ministry at St. Mark’s provides an opportunity to discover that mourning can be a grace-filled journey where we listen attentively and support one another wherever we are from week to week, and moment to moment. We reflect upon our own personal experiences as well as the words of authors who have shared light within the darkness of their own grief experiences.
We can never know exactly how another person is feeling deep within. We strive to cultivate an atmosphere of compassionate attentive listening. The very space provided for listening is an integral part of the mourning journey. Prayerful listening support is our primary goal . The Grace of God is our foundation. We rely on the Grace of the Holy Spirit to lead us forward moment by moment.
On our journey of Mourning with Grace, we welcome drop-in participation as well as long-term caring companions. We grow supportively together as we are living the life we are called to live differently, now. Confidential one-to-one opportunities are available for a limited time.
Group meetings are Thursdays* from 12 PM to 2 PM in the St. Mark Church Children's Cry Room. Prayer meetings are Fridays from 8:45 AM to 10 AM. Confidential individual opportunities, by appointment with Joan Wania, are Fridays at 10:30 AM.
For more information, drop your name and phone number in the Secure Drop Box in the hall or in the Secure Drop Box to the left of the office door. Please indicate Bereavement Ministry inquiry. Thank you.
*Please note: On all Thursdays before all First Fridays, there will be no Bereavement Ministry session. Perhaps you will choose to come and join us in silent Adoration on the Thursdays before all First Fridays.
Contact info: Joan Wania, (585)227-6824 X201
Through our times of loss, sorrow, grief & mourning, eventually . . .
LOSS may lead us to Searching ... Choosing ... Allowing
CHERISHING & HOPE may lead us to Finding ... Receiving … Gratitude
GRATITUDE for those who go before us may deepen as we embrace our fears, feelings and our personal and collective sorrows.
References will be included from the book TEARS, by Fr. Richard McAlear, OMI
54 Kuhn Road
Rochester, NY 14612-1498
Monday: 8:30am–12:00pm, 12:30–3:00pm
Tuesday–Thursday: 8:30–11:30am
Fridays and National Holidays:
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