Sacraments & Worship

Sacraments & Worship

Sacraments are rituals in the Catholic Church that are believed to be a way to experience God's love. The word "sacrament" comes from the Latin word sacrō, which means "hallow" or "consecrate". 

The seven sacraments available are:

  • Baptism: A cleansing of the soul
  • Confirmation: An outpouring of the Holy Spirit
  • Eucharist: Also known as Communion, this sacrament is a central part of the Catholic faith
  • Reconciliation: Also known as Confession or Penance, this sacrament is a time to confess sins
  • Anointing of the Sick: A sacrament of healing
  • Holy Orders: A sacrament of communion and mission
  • Matrimony: A sacrament of communion and mission

The purpose of sacraments

  • Sacraments are a way to experience God's love, healing, forgiveness, nourishment, and strengthening 
  • Sacraments are a way to share God's holiness with the world 
  • Sacraments are a way to manifest faith in Christ 

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