Capital Campaign

Capital Campaign


For over 50 years, St. Mark’s Church has been recognized as a place of worship, love, and community. Through this campaign, it is our plan to ensure that our church and parish facilities continue to endure for the families of today and future generations.

 We are the beneficiaries of a magnificent inheritance from previous parishioners of St. Mark’s Church. Through their sacrifice and generosity we worship, learn and socialize in a parish setting rich in beauty and history. Now, our Parish Capital Campaign will help us to build on the foundation laid by those  good and faithful parishioners, many of whom have now gone before us. Today, it is our sacrifice and generosity that will enable us to pass on to the next generation the belief and traditions that have given our lives meaning and purpose. It is our daily and weekly Celebration of Mass, as well as our celebrations of Baptisms, Reconciliation, Weddings and Funerals, that allows us to be touched by the grace of God and to find in God our source of true joy, happiness and peace.

  Our Renovation Project

  The main focus of this campaign will be to renovate and enhance our Church, as well as increase space for our Youth Ministry programs. Our goal for this campaign is $600,000, which would help us to accomplish the following:

 Church Interior

  • Replace the parish center boiler
  • Install new sound system in the hall
  • Update the church with audio/visual capabilities
  • Update the electrical panel
  • Install new IT Wi-Fi service throughout the site
  • Upgrade the alarm system

 Church Exterior

  • Repair the steeple
  • Replace shingle roof (over the narthex)
  • Replace roof over Old Church, West Side of Hall Flat roof, and Hall.
  • Address brickwork and masonry needs
  • Improve grounds and landscaping


  • Renovate meeting rooms/library and create classroom space

  Please consider contributing to our Parish Capital Campaign.

The presentation from November 17, 2015 can be seen @

  Please contact Deacon Frank for more info at or 585-227-6824 x205


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